Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The rise of artificial intelligence -- transforming education, industry, and daily life

This is a slightly modified version of an article that has appeared in the most recent Newsletter (September 2023 issue) of the IEEE Magnetics Society. I have tried to provide a very basic overview of artificial intelligence and its impact on our society. As this also includes physics education, I have decided to share a draft of this article as a blogpost. Certainly, I am aware that this is a highly controversial topic. As you may realize during reading, the main theme of the Newsletter issue was superheroes. Please feel free to share your own opinion down in the comments section or reach out to me directly via email: Also, please take a look the the IEEE Magnetics Society Newsletter if you are interested.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in various fields, revolutionizing the way we live, learn, and work. In the context of science and technology education, AI has opened up new frontiers, empowering both educators and learners to explore complex problems, develop innovative solutions, and shape the future. In this article, we will analyze the current and future impact of AI on education, with a particular focus on the role of ChatGPT. Additionally, we will touch on the influence of AI on the industry, engineering practices, and daily life. In doing so, we will also discuss potential dangers and controversial topics associated with AI.


Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming the landscape of education at schools and universities. ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, has become a valuable tool for students and educators alike. ChatGPT's ability to generate human-like responses and provide instant assistance makes it a powerful tool for learners who wish to explore complex scientific concepts, solve problems, and seek guidance. In the context of our technological development, it is no exaggeration to say that generative AI can be regarded as the next step following innovations such as the calculator, the internet and search engines. 

Imagine a student facing a challenging question in a science class. With future versions of  ChatGPT or related products such as Google’s Bard, they may be able to engage in a conversation with an AI-powered "mentor" that possesses a vast repository of knowledge and expertise. This interaction would enable students to receive real-time feedback, brainstorm ideas, and gain valuable insights from an intelligent virtual assistant — anytime, anywhere, at a low or no cost. The presence of chatbots in the classroom could empower students to become superheroes in their own right, equipped with a powerful ally to conquer academic challenges, such as written assignments, essays and problem sheets. Moreover, AI offers personalized learning experiences, tailoring educational content to individual students' needs and abilities. Adaptive learning platforms can leverage AI algorithms to assess student progress, identify knowledge gaps, and provide targeted recommendations for improvement. By integrating AI into the curriculum, schools and universities can expect to enhance student engagement, foster critical thinking skills, and prepare learners for the rapidly evolving technological landscape they will encounter in their careers. However, it is fundamental for students to scrutinize and critically evaluate ChatGPT’s output. In other words, they need to regard it as a tool rather than a substitute for their brain. 

In addition to ChatGPT, there are several other emerging tools that are or may become beneficial for educational settings. One of them is Midjourney, a program that generates images from user prompts (similar to DALL-E, which may be well-known to a broader audience). It is likely that in the near future, students, teachers, and others will be able to utilize AI-based programs to write articles, create slides for presentations, prepare scientific figures and diagrams, and visualize knowledge in the form of artificially generated videos. While this is going to take a lot of work off our hands, we need to identify strategies for humans to maintain their creativity, presentation skills and conclusive reasoning. 


The industry is also undergoing a significant transformation due to artificial intelligence. AI-powered automation and machine learning algorithms have the potential to optimize manufacturing processes, improve product design, and enhance quality control in the magnetics industry. The impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning extends beyond the classroom, as it can support engineers and researchers working in magnetics, for example. By using AI-based technology, engineers could explore new design possibilities, optimize magnetic materials, and solve complex challenges in areas such as magnetic storage, power electronics, and medical devices. Just as superheroes rely on their trusted sidekicks to overcome formidable adversaries, engineers can harness the power of AI to augment their skills, boost productivity, and push the boundaries of magnetic technology. However, at the same time, we need to ensure that AI-based approaches and decisions are reasonably transparent and comprehensible for humans, especially in critical applications such as aviation, autonomous driving, military technology, and medical treatments.  

Daily life

Artificial intelligence is increasingly integrated into our daily lives, transcending educational settings and industry. From voice assistants to smart home automation, AI technologies have become superheroes in our daily routines. AI-powered systems enable us to effortlessly manage tasks, gather information, and make informed decisions. Additionally, recommendation systems on platforms like YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon suggest contents to users based on personal preferences and viewing history. Ride-sharing apps like Uber use AI algorithms to optimize driver routes and match riders with drivers efficiently. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more extraordinary advancements that will make us feel like characters in a comic book, witnessing the birth of futuristic technologies that seemed unimaginable before.

Potential dangers

It is also crucial to acknowledge the potential dangers associated with AI. Ethical concerns arise regarding AI algorithms' fairness, transparency, and potential biases, which may disproportionately affect certain individuals or groups. Job displacement is also a concern as AI automation may reduce human workforce in certain roles. Security and privacy risks exist due to the vast amounts of data AI systems rely on, requiring robust data protection measures. The lack of transparency in AI decision-making raises questions about accountability and responsibility. AI technologies can intensify social inequalities if access is limited to privileged groups. The development of AI in military applications raises concerns about autonomous weapons and warfare ethics. Finally, there are concerns about long-term impacts and existential risks associated with AI. While it is unlikely that AI will turn against humanity and thus become our enemy, it may instead be characterized as an imperfect, non-traditional superhero. As a society, we need to find ways how to make use of it while not becoming too dependent on it. By acknowledging the aforementioned potential dangers, we can ensure a responsible and beneficial integration of AI in education, industry, and daily life.


Artificial intelligence, represented by ChatGPT and other cutting-edge technologies, has become an invaluable ally in science and technology education, the industry, and our daily lives. By leveraging the power of AI, educational institutions can equip students with the tools they need to become the superheroes of tomorrow, shaping the future of science and technology. Engineers and researchers can harness AI to push the boundaries of magnetics technology, while AI-powered systems enhance our daily routines and transform various industries.

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